We all know back to school looks different this year. Most schools in the Puget Sound region will be offering remote learning , which creates an entirely new set of challenges for many families. Here at Goodwill, we hope to alleviate a few of those worries by offering some fun, yet affordable solutions for getting back to learning.
Tip #1 Keep Some Normal
We’re all craving a little normalcy since our world was affected by the COVIC-19 pandemic nearly 6 months ago. So trying to make the back to school process just like any other year may help your students transition to their new way of learning. Get dressed up and take that 1st day of school photo – mom’s still want those memories! Pack a lunch – they may not have time between classes to make something. Many districts will resume their lunch programs – watch for emails from your child’s school or visit the school district’s website for details.
Tip #2 Shop for Supplies
Goodwill has school supplies! We receive lots of donated, unused and gently used notebooks, pencils, pens, binders and all kinds of supplies.
When the kids say, “I’m bored!” have them make their own. Here are a few fun DIY supply ideas from Thrifty Northwest Mom. They went shopping at Goodwill and found several basic school and home supplies they made into one-of-kind items.
DIY School Supplies – How to Customize School Supplies & Save Too!
Tip #3 Create a Quiet Study Area
Maybe it’s a dining room table, a desk or a giant bean bag in a corner of a room. Make a quiet space just for learning, with adequate light and supplies at arm’s length (pencils, notebooks, water bottle, etc…) Check out your nearest Goodwill for study area supplies.
Tip #4 Donate Your Stuff
Now that you’ve cleared out a corner to make a study area or cleaned clothing out of your closets and drawers – it’s time to move the clutter out of your home. No – don’t store it in the garage (or the back of your car’s trunk) for four months – take it to Goodwill! We turn your donations into FREE job training programs and career pathway services. Are you, or someone you know, looking for a better job? We offer many programs to help you upgrade your skills, or provide new ones – see our programs HERE.
Tip #5 Update Their Wardrobe
In 2019, kids went shopping for back to school clothes and wore their favorite new outfits the first week of school. In 2020, sweats and leggings will be at the top of the fashion pyramid. But we could all use a little wardrobe refresher now and then – new clothes give us that extra pep in our step – even a new pair of leggings! Goodwill is the perfect place for kids – from grade school to college — to shop! Take it from Baylee, Lauren and Rafferty – 3 students that love to shop at Goodwill.
The Back To School Haul 2020
We gave each kid a $50 Goodwill gift card to shop at our South Hill (Puyallup) location. They amazed us with their fashion sense, budgeting skills and how much fun they had searching for the perfect outfit.
Baylee decided to purchase only a few of her outfits and then spent some of her gift card buying a toy and books for her 2 year old brother. What a terrific big sister!

Lauren likes whatever feels comfortable, mom jeans and a little edginess thrown in (e-girl). She can find ALL her looks at Goodwill.

Rafferty loves his Hawaiian print shirts and often stops into a Goodwill to see if there are new one’s on the rack. On this trip – he spied a vintage label usually found in Hawaii.