Donations Help Your Community

Your support allows Goodwill to provide free education and job training services to people in need so they can realize their fullest potential through the power of work.


Last year we served 4,266 people with a full range of free education, job placement, and career pathway services.


92.5% of Goodwill expenses supported mission programs and services and retail last year.


million lbs
We received 55 million pounds of donated goods, of which 80% was sold or recycled – saving 44 million pounds of waste from going to landfills last year.

Donate Goods

When you donate that sweater you haven’t worn lately, or those toys the kids have outgrown, you’re providing people in need with education, job placement, and career services that enable them to get jobs and build better lives.

Make a Financial Gift

Your financial gift allows Goodwill to offer free job training and career pathway services to people with disabilities, justice-involved youth, adults facing financial insecurity, veterans transitioning to civilian careers, seniors re-entering the workforce, and more. Here, your donation helps community members to transform their lives through the power of work.

Goodwill Makes a Difference

Many people receive support through our vocational school and wrap-around services – below are a few of their stories.