The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a program to help low-income, unemployed individuals 55 and older find work. SCSEP matches eligible older adults with part-time training assignments at non-profits or government agencies. Participants build skills and self-confidence, while earning a modest income with a goal of transitioning seniors into non-subsidized employment.
Administered by the U.S. Dept. of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration, it’s the nation’s oldest employment program for seniors. Individuals accepted into the program are assigned job training placements at Host Agencies in the community (usually a community based non-profit service organization) based on the individual’s preference and employment goals developed from their IEP (Individual Employment Plan).
Participants enrolled in the program are eligible to enroll and complete the Career Readiness Education and Development (CRED) and other Goodwill and/or programs as a partner with the local Work-Force Development Council(s).