Our Commitment to Antiracism, Equity, Diversity, And Inclusion

Goodwill of the Olympics and Rainier Region is committed to creating and sustaining a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion in our organization and across our communities. This begins with a focus on becoming an antiracist organization that actively works to dismantle structural and institutional racism and condemns racist practices and behaviors in all forms.

With this aim in mind, we will advance and administer antiracist, equity-based policies and champion diversity and inclusion throughout our organization and the communities we serve. Our commitment is foundational to our ability to realize our vision alongside community partners and deliver our mission to all we serve.

We have instituted and strengthened a number of organizational policies and will continue to evaluate our policies and practices going forward. To help guide us on our journey in becoming an antiracist organization, we have developed a strategy map that provides an overview of how we will build antiracism and equity, diversity, and inclusion work into the foundation of our organization and integrate strategies and actions throughout all aspects of our operations and service.

Lori sig

Lori Forte Harnick
President & CEO

Eu-wanda sig

Eu-wanda Egans
SVP of Workforce Development

Keith Sig

Keith Hall
General Counsel &
Chief People Officer

greg sign

Greg Medlyn
SVP of Retail

ken sig small

Ken Ryals
Chief Advancement Officer

Anne Porter

Anne Porter

Terryl Ross sig final

Terryl Ross
VP of Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Our vision is that every person has the opportunity to learn, work, and thrive in all aspects of life.

Why We’re Deeply Committed to Antiracism, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (AEDI)

As a community based nonprofit, our strong and steadfast commitment to AEDI begins with our vision. To realize our vision, it is essential that all individuals have access to opportunities and are treated with respect. Addressing systemic discrimination is necessary to rectify inequalities that persist in our society, particularly in workplaces where marginalized groups continue to face barriers to advancement. We are working to ensure that everyone is empowered to contribute fully and authentically, without fear of marginalization or oppression. Collectively, our AEDI efforts seek to foster social cohesion and community well-being, creating environments where all individuals can thrive and feel a sense of belonging.

Our AEDI commitment is also driven by what we must do to serve and support the wonderfully diverse communities in our region through our thrift retail stores and job training and placement programs. Many communities in our region are among the most diverse in the United States. Regardless of whether we are serving thrift retail customers, jobseekers, or donors, advancing AEDI is key to our organization’s ability to understand, engage, and meet the needs of people throughout our region.

Advancing AEDI has been shown to directly correlate with improved performance and innovation. For example, studies from McKinsey & Company and Boston Consulting Group conclude that diverse organizations are more likely to outperform their peers financially and creatively. Diverse teams bring a wealth of perspectives, which leads to faster decision-making, better problem-solving, and more innovative solutions. Additionally, according to Deloitte, inclusive workplaces are more apt to attract talent and foster higher employee satisfaction, leading to lower turnover rates and increased productivity. As such, our commitment to AEDI builds upon principles of fairness, justice, and human dignity, and is a strategic decision to enhance our ability to serve and support our diverse communities over the long-term.

What We Are Doing

Our AEDI journey began in 2018 with a series of employee listening conversations on the topics of equity, diversity, and inclusion.  Since that time, our commitment and efforts have grown and now include both internal and external efforts to advance AEDI. As a result AEDI has become more integral to our decision-making, operations, culture, partnerships, and more.

We’ve made progress by:

  • Creating a safe, welcoming and inclusive culture
  • Calling people in, instead of calling them out
  • Committing to a “climbing the stairs” educational model that meets people where they are, and provides tools to advance in their individual and collective AEDI journeys
adei ladder

Key Milestones on Our AEDI Journey

Internal Efforts

  • Reviewed and refreshed our organizational policies through an AEDI lens
  • Conducting ongoing learning sessions for all employees and Board members
  • Established a Board of Directors Committee on Antiracism, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
  • Hired a Vice President of Antiracism, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion on our Executive Team
  • Established AEDI learning resources for employees
    • Learning pods for our Leadership Team
    • Repository with over 600 resources
    • Educational videos
    • Monthly Lunchtime Learning Series

External Efforts

  • Engaging with our suppliers to understand and share learnings from their AEDI journeys
  • Supporting and engaging in the Pierce County “Lens of Equity” summit
  • Participating in a diversity-based “community of practice” with other Goodwill organizations
  • Creating a diversity-based “community of practice” with HR leaders in our region

Organizational Policies

To advance AEDI, Goodwill of the Olympics & Rainier Region has instituted and strengthened a number of organizational policies, and will continue to evaluate our policies and practices going forward.

Diversity in our Executive Team

53% People of Color
43% Female

Diversity in our Board

42% People of Color
58% Female

Employee Engagement

100% of People Managers trained on AEDI
More than 80% of total employees engaged in AEDI learning