Goodwill’s Disability Services program provides a wide range of employment support to over 250 participants a year. Goodwill recognizes the ability, responsibility and the right of all people to lead self-determined lives. Our goal is to ensure the inclusion of persons with disabilities into competitive, integrated employment positions in the field of their choosing. We will identify your talents and help you find a job that is right for you.

Disability Services
About the Program
Identify Talents
Identify your strengths, capabilities, interests, job goals and any other assistance you may need to obtain a competitive wage job.
Job Search & Support
Assistance in developing a resume, identifying potential employers, completing job applications, interview practice and preparation.
Job Placement
Assistance and advocacy in obtaining a job in the field of your choosing.
Job Integration Support
Assistance learning and mastering essential job functions, as well as creation of natural support systems.
Job Retention
Additional assistance* on the job ensuring you have the tools you need to maintain your employment. The length of support is determined on an individual basis.
NEW! Virtual Learning Library
We’ve made updating your job skills even easier through Goodwill’s NEW Virtual Learning Library where you can learn at your own pace or take a course when it’s convenient for you.
Individual Supported Employment Services
Services to assist individuals with developmental disabilities in obtaining and maintaining employment. Participants are supported in achieving community employment that offers competitive wages, an integrated work environment, and the greatest opportunity for independence on the job. Support Services are individualized to meet each person’s need on the job that are consistent with the participant’s interest, skills, and employment goals.
Eligibility Requirements
A referral is required to participate in this program by any one of the following:
- Developmental Disabilities Administration
- Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
- Department of Services for the Blind
- School District Personnel
- Those who are receiving: DDA Basic Plus or Community Protection Home and Community Based Service Waivers, or on Roads to Community Living
Other Requirements
- 21+ and residing in Pierce County
- Able to take care of your own hygiene and personal needs
- Not be a danger to yourself or others
- Have a disability
Group Supported Employment Services
Services to assist individuals with developmental disabilities in obtaining and maintaining employment. Participants are supported in achieving skills necessary for community employment that offers competitive wages, an integrated work environment, and the greatest opportunity for independence on the job. Support Services are individualized to meet each person’s need on the job that are consistent with the participant’s interest, skills, and employment goals.
What You Receive
Referral to us is required by any one of the following:
- Developmental Disabilities Administration
- Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
- Department of Services for the Blind
- School District Personnel
- 18+ and residing in Pierce County
- Able to take care of your own hygiene and personal needs
- Not be a danger to yourself or others
- Have a disability
School to Work
The School to Work Program is designed to assist eligible transition students in obtaining paid employment prior to exiting school. Students enrolled in the program will collaborate with the student, their parent(s)/guardian, school district staff, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) and the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA). The goal is to help the student find a good job before exiting the school district’s transition program, thus make a seamless transition into the adult services system.
Eligibility Requirements
A student must be enrolled in or have a referral by any one of the following:
- Have an open case with Developmental Disabilities Administration
- Enrolled and attending Pierce County High School
- Have applied and be eligible for services with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
- School District Personnel
- High School Student completing their last year in school and residing in Pierce County
- Able to take care of your own hygiene and personal needs
- Not be a danger to yourself or others
- Have a disability
Ticket to Work
The Ticket to Work (Ticket) program is a free and voluntary program that can help Social Security beneficiaries go to work, get a good job that may lead to a career, and become financially independent, all while they keep their Medicare or Medicaid. Individuals who receive Social Security benefits because of a disability and are age 18 through 64 probably already qualify for the program.
The Ticket to Work program provides work Incentives and allows you to keep your benefits while you explore employment, receive job training and gain work experience. If you are age 18 through 64 and receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) you already qualify! To figure out if Ticket to Work may be right for you, visit
What You Receive
- Individualized career counseling, personalized work plan, and analysis of impact on your medical benefits for returning to work
- Pre & post-employment services
- Three to five years of support during program enrollment
- Potential waiver of medical review (CDR) by Social Security
- Work incentives for SSDI and SSI beneficiaries are built into the program to provide support for cash and medical benefits
- Must be between 18 and 64 years of age
- Currently receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits
Virtual Learning Library
Learn a new skill or update your current skills at any time of the day, or when you have just a few minutes to spare. Our library was compiled by Goodwill’s Disability Services staff who are trained in assisting individuals with supported employment, meeting the needs of all levels of learners.
Subjects Include:
- Employment Skills & Workplace Readiness
- Job Search and Interviewing Skills
- Critical Thinking & Conflict Resolution Skills
- Basic Computer & Math Skills
- Self-Advocacy & Inclusion skills
- and many more.
All you need is an internet-connected device.
Am I Eligible?
Goodwill’s Virtual Learning Library is currently available to the public; however, we
encourage users to connect with our Disability Services program for additional
We will continue to add topics in the future through our other job training programs and
career pathway services.
Success Stories
David McMullin
“Goodwill helped me get my job at Mod Pizza a long time ago. We went to an interview that went very well. I was hired and so happy that I was finally going to be able to be more independent and do more things that I’d like to do. I like that I have a job coach to help me occasionally when I need it.”
Richard Gill
“I get to help people. I like being helpful.”
Jennifer Larsen
“I like my job for the money and so that I’m not at home bored. It makes me happy to have a job and work with people that I can make friends with.”